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'Lefty Kreh on Fly Casting' - DVD

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'Lefty Kreh on Fly Casting' - DVD

Product Information

Forget all other fly casting videos ever !
There has never been a better specialist fly casting instructional production ever produced than the new release of ...
'Lefty Kreh on Fly Casting'  

Have you never fly cast before ? ............This is for you !

Are you an advanced fly caster ?.............This is for you !

This is the most comprehensive fly casting tutorial to date from the world’s most recognized fly fisherman.

Lefty covers the basics of fly casting in detail, demonstrating casting aids and exercises that will help even advanced fly casters improve their distance and accuracy. Lefty then demonstrates 20 specific casts that every fly fisherman should know, including instruction on:

  • Casting in the wind
  • Various roll casts
  • Double-hauling techniques
  • Casting in tight places
  • Changing directions quickly
  • Curve casts
  • Many many more !

    As a special feature on the DVD, we’ve provided an optional 2nd angle of viewing for most of the demonstrations.
    This allows the viewer to analyze Lefty’s technique from both the side and behind the cast, fully demonstrating how the body motion determines the motion of the rod and line.

“I’ve worked with Lefty for many years on instructional videos, and as a fly caster myself, I learned more to improve my casting from the material covered in this video than from anything I’ve ever done before.  If you want tight loops and longer casts, you want to see this!”

Fred Rehbein, Producer

Lefty Kreh on Fly Casting
(68 Minutes)

"You often hear people talk about the 'art' of fly casting, I think that's a good analogy . In my 50 years of fly fishing, I've come up with some pretty creative ways to make the line and the fly get to where the fish are. That's the art of fly casting, but making the cast itself is really based on some simple laws of physics that enable the rod and the fly line to move the fly through the air. This is the 'science' of fly casting.

In this DVD, I'll help you understand how the cast works and provide you with a number of specific aids and exercises to help you become a good fly caster. Then we'll go through a variety of casts which will help you in certain fishing situations.

I hope you enjoy it !

THIS IS NOT the old outdated DVD pictured here FLY CASTING TECHNIQUES DVD.
THIS IS NOT the old outdated DVD also pictured here FLY CASTING WITH LEFY KREH
... or ANY the of the OTHER  PAST PRODUCTIONS !
This DVD is the BRAND NEW RELEASE titled LEFTY KREH on FLY CASTING DVD - pictured Below.
No other Lefty Casting DVD comes close to this NEW RELEASE !

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Price: $45.95 $29.50

Product Code: 39L422
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